Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Persian Medicine Department, Faculty of Chemistry, Turkey


Regarding this question, it should be strongly said that in most cases the answer is yes. Many of these power plants' problems can be solved, and the national ORNL laboratories play an important role in this regard. Choosing the right place for the right design, design and management can lead to further solutions to these problems. As mentioned earlier, the use of fish ladders, aeration and flow control in large dams is one such solution. Environmental solutions have always existed, meaning that activities can be performed to eliminate or minimize the effects of these projects, or ultimately to compensate for them in some way. In hydropower projects, work can be done to resolve, alleviate, or mitigate the problem before it occurs. ORNL experts have been working for over a decade to effectively evaluate these problems and provide solutions to them. We are currently assisting the US Department of Energy to, with the help of industry, present a plan for the technological development of these power plants in an environmentally friendly manner. Large dams in the Pacific Northwest have stairways for fish that allow adult free fish to enter the river from the ocean to spawn young fish. The fish ladder is a classic example of this. Today, it is found that resident fish in one area also migrate seasonally to spawn to other areas and therefore need a crossing to cross.


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