Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Persian Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Turkey


Infection with the corona virus leads to short-term and long-term effects, which sometimes affect the sufferers for the rest of their lives. The effect of Corona on the human brain has been studied by many scientists. The new symptoms that have been observed in patients suffering from the disease of Covid-19 indicate the effect of the corona virus on the functioning of the human brain and nervous system. While examining and treating patients in New York, which is considered to be the most prominent state in America in terms of infection with the corona virus and the number of victims of the Covid-19 disease, apart from fever, cough, body pain and shortness of breath, new signs of the destructive effect of the corona virus on human health. They found that the brain and nervous system of the patients are also somehow involved in this disease. Among the characteristics of this new finding is confusion, forgetfulness and even convulsions caused by nervous pressure in patients with Covid-19, many cases of which have been observed in New York state; In such a way that some patients do not even know where they are and why they are in the hospital or what year we are in now. In most cases, these symptoms are related to the lack of oxygen in the blood; However, it has been observed that this memory disorder in some patients is not very proportional due to the level of pulmonary involvement with the virus. "Jennifer Frontera", a neurologist at Langone University Hospital in Brooklyn, one of the old parts of New York City, believes that according to the new findings, the issue of involvement of the brain and nervous system when contracting the new type of corona virus is now seriously discussed in it has been investigated.


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