Document Type : Review Article


Assistant Professor of Infertility & IVF, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Alborz University of Medical Sciences, Alborz, Iran


Introduction: This review addresses some of the issues that doctors encounter when treating a brain tumor in a patient who is pregnant, with a focus on radiation oncology viewpoints. Pregnancy and its effects on cancer survivors are outside the purview of this discussion.

Material and Methods: Using the terms " brain " " tumors" " brain tumors " " pregnancy " "pregnancy-related brain tumors " "pregnancy-related tumors " and " brain tumors in pregnancy " we searched the literature in Pubmed, Cochrane Library, Ovid, and Google for articles in English, Portuguese, and Spanish published in the previous 20 years or older, as appropriate

Results: Since there are no established management guidelines and there are numerous moral and ethical conundrums, the link between brain tumors and pregnancy presents a difficult challenge for the management team. Only small retrospective series of literature are currently available. It is necessary to develop a multidisciplinary plan with individualized management and thorough patient and family counseling at every stage.

Conclusion: This task should only be taken on by large centers with the resources to manage every aspect of therapy related to obstetrics, neonatology, and oncology. The creation of central registries might improve data collection and interpretation to inform future strategies.


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