Document Type : Original Article


Sustainable Infrastructure, Department of Medicine, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia


The EKG electrocardiogram should be taken within 10 minutes of the patient's pain reporting on arrival at the emergency department. With the help of this device, the location and causes of MI solutions can be identified and followed up. Early signs of EKG in acute MI are due to ischemia and myocardial injury. Myocardial revolarization is altered and causes a delay and reversal of the T wave, and the ischemic zone may remain repolarized until the myocardium returns to rest. Myocardial injury causes changes in the ST segment. Damaged cells naturally depolarize, but depolarize faster than normal cells. This causes the ST segment to rise at least 1 mm above the isoelectric line (the beginning of the P wave is used as a source for the isoelectric line). Myocardial injury causes an increase in the ST segment and long symmetrical T waves. The affected area will become a necrotic area if blood flow continues to decrease. ST segment changes return to baseline within a few days to 2 weeks. When ST elevation is greater than 1 mm (at least in 2 of 14 leads), MI Cute is considered. It causes the wave to be reversed to the region due to a change in repolarization, but in acute ischemia the T wave becomes long and sharp, and after this stage the flat is finally reversed. The big wave and symmetry are created within 24 hours. Reversed within 1 to 3 days with a final 1 to 2 weeks, T-wave reversal may persist for several months. Inverse T The deeper, more symmetrical, the more severe the ischemia.


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