Document Type : Original Article


Sustainable Infrastructure, Department of Medicine, Doha University of Technology, Doha, Qatar


The purpose of coronary artery angioplasty is to revascularize the heart muscle, which is responsible for reducing angina pain and increasing life expectancy. PTCA is an invasive intervention method used in patients with angina pectoris as well as acute MI. Unstable angina that does not respond to drug treatment and lasts less than 1 year affects the patient's quality of life. Chronic and debilitating angina and new ECG changes include ST-segment elevation and pathological Q-wave. Acute MI that lasts less than 6 hours with or without concomitant use of thrombolytic agents and patients for whom CABG is dangerous. The patient should trust the treatment team, as fear can lead to vagal attacks of PTCA failure. Initially used as an alternative non-surgical invasive treatment for patients requiring coronary artery bypass grafting, today it is an adjunctive therapy for the treatment of Acute MI with fibrinolytic drugs. Acute pulmonary edema is a condition of abnormal accumulation of fluid in the lungs. Fluid may accumulate in the interstitial space or alveoli. Acute pulmonary edema is an acute event caused by heart failure, it can be acutely caused by factors such as myocardial infarction and chronic heart failure. Myocardial infarction as an ischemic effect can reduce ventricular dilatation and its function can significantly increase cardiac output. As resistance increases, left ventricular filling causes the blood to return to the pulmonary circulation.


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