Document Type : Original Article


Sustainable Infrastructure, Department of Medicine, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia


Junctional rhythm occurs when the junctional areas of the AV node become the heart pacemaker instead of the SA node. For example, when SA node activity is slow or AV junction automatics increase. Elusive junctional rhythm occurs if the AV junction discharge rate is between 40-60 times per minute and its causes include patient sinus syndrome, digitalis intoxication, lower MI, rheumatic heart disease and vagus nerve stimulation. Accelerated junction rhythm occurs when the junction rate is 60-100 beats per minute. Digital poisoning, hypokalemia, lower extremity MI heart problems and rheumatic heart disease. The presence of three premature beats of AV junction or more at a speed of 200-60 beats per minute is called junctional tachycardia and its possible causes include digitalis intoxication, ischemia or infarction of the lower or posterior myocardium, congenital heart disease in children and inflammation of the junction AV is after heart surgery.


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