Document Type : Original Article


Department of Chemical Engineering, Calgary University, Canada


A major improvement in the resistance to deformation in TiC cermet’s and at the same time as a reduction in brittleness is possible by changing the arrangement of the bonded alloy or the carbide phase or both. to give an example of an optimal adhesive composition is 22.5% nickel, 10% molybdenum, and approximately 7% aluminum. Improvement of the compressive yield strength of the carbide phase is achieved by forming a solid solution of TiC with 10% by weight of Vc. The addition of approximately 10% by weight of TiM greatly increases the deformation resistance of cermet. It is believed that this increase is ultimately the result of two factors, the effect of re-purification of the grains and the hardening of the carbide phase in the solid solution. If the ratio of titanium nitride to titanium carbide increases, carbo-nitride undergoes changes in its structure, which under controlled conditions can greatly improve the strength and fracture toughness of cermet. In the early 1970s, it was discovered that in the ternary systems Ti-MO-C-N and Ti-W-C-N there is a miscible gap in complete solid solutions between MON, MOC, TiN, and TiC under controlled, single-phase process conditions. Homogeneous solid solution breaks spontaneously or immediately into two similar phases that have close network parameters, but have different chemical compositions.


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