Document Type : Review Article


General Surgeon, Sina Hospital, Tabriz University of Medical science, Tabriz, Iran


Breast cancer surgery plays a critical role in the management of breast cancer and is aimed at improving survival rates. Evidence-based guidelines have been developed to provide standardized recommendations for surgical interventions in breast cancer patients. These guidelines encompass various aspects of breast cancer surgery, including the selection of appropriate surgical procedures, achievement of clear surgical margins, timing of surgery, and the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration. The guidelines emphasize the importance of achieving clear surgical margins, which is associated with a decreased risk of local recurrence and improved survival rates. Breast-conserving surgery, such as lumpectomy, is recommended in eligible patients to achieve tumor removal while preserving the breast. Mastectomy, the complete removal of breast tissue, may be necessary in certain cases, and the guidelines provide recommendations for patient selection and optimal timing. Sentinel lymph node biopsy is an integral part of breast cancer surgery for accurate staging and determining appropriate adjuvant therapies. The guidelines highlight the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration to ensure comprehensive evaluation, treatment planning, and follow-up care. Adherence to these guidelines, along with the integration of systemic therapies, such as chemotherapy and hormonal therapy, has shown to improve survival rates in breast cancer patients. Ongoing research and advancements in surgical techniques and molecular profiling continue to refine these guidelines, further enhancing the effectiveness of breast cancer surgery and overall patient survival rates. By following these evidence-based guidelines, healthcare professionals can optimize patient care and contribute to increased survival rates in breast cancer patients.


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