Document Type : Original Article


Department of Chemical Engineering, Calgary University, Canada


The lateral branches are bypass grafts that run along the chest wall and are the beginning of where the right or left internal mammary arteries connect to the LAD artery to restore blood flow. Patients undergoing CPB surgery are more likely to bleed than patients undergoing Off Eump surgery. Also, lowering the body temperature for a while leads to a decrease in platelet function. Preoperative evaluations, including platelet count and function, correct hematocrit that determines blood volume, reduce the risks and complications of intraoperative and postoperative bleeding. Heart surgery patients should be routinely treated for coagulation disorders, hereditary, hemophilia, and von Willer's disease, and acquired infections such as lupus and lymphocytic leukemia, and recent use of OTC medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen, and dietary alternatives such as Vit E, Ginseng, and garlic. Get information about anything that interferes with coagulation. Taking antithrombotic drugs, which play an important role in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, can lead to bleeding. Such as the anticoagulants heparin, Lepirudin, and antiplatelet drugs such as aspirin, clopidogrel, which protect platelets from thio. Patients receiving highly effective anticoagulants and requiring emergency surgery can be tested with the high-sensitivity p2y12 test. This test shows that some people may be ready for surgery in as little as 1 to 2 days. Patients undergoing elective surgery should discontinue high-dose antiplatelet drugs such as glupidergrol for at least 5 to 7 days and low-potency drugs such as aspirin 1 to 3 days before surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding. Patients taking warfarin should stop taking it at least 5 days before surgery. Some may need vitamin K or a combination with FFP to counteract the effects of warfarin. This process can generally take between 6 and 8 hours.


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