Document Type : Original Article


General Surgeon, Sintra Hospital, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


The casualty has a normal pulse and spontaneous breathing. Ensuring ineffective resuscitation and inactivity of the heart, lack of blood circulation, inability and resuscitation fatigue in the continuation of work. There is often no bid to announce the end of CPR. The resuscitation team, loaded with the knowledge and awareness of bittersweet experiences, sometimes gives up on continuing CPR due to symptoms. Several factors can lead to cardiopulmonary arrest. Cardiopulmonary arrest does not necessarily occur together, and cardiac arrest may occur first, followed by respiratory arrest. Conversely, if the heart first suffers, it may stop breathing due to blood reaching the respiratory centers and disrupting the function of these centers. If it stops first, the heart will stop because of severe cardiac hypoxia. Normally the P lead II wave has a peak. In left atrial hypertrophy, the P-wave II wavelength is prolonged, lasting equal to or greater than 0.12 seconds. The P-wave is also serrated in lead II and has the pattern M. The most common cause of left atrial enlargement is mitral valve stenosis. For this reason, the wide, serrated P-wave in lead II is called the mitral P-wave. Ischemic heart disease, MI, hypertension, fibrotic degeneration, aortic stenosis due to calcium deposition, hypertensive or congestive cardiomyopathy, hypertrophy, congestive heart disease, following cardiac surgery, left ventricular heart failure. May occur in the absence of heart disease, fibrotic degeneration, ischemic heart disease, MI, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, congenital heart disease, atrial septal defect, fallot tetralogy, acute and massive pulmonary embolism, and renal mass QRS complex time is more than 0.12 seconds (3 small squares).


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